
Friday, July 19, 2013

Jesus Could Have Been A Preschool Teacher

I think my favorite thing about Jesus, is that no matter where you look, he was followed by children.

I kind of imagine him as the Willy Wonka of Jerusalem.

Except not as creepy.

And none of the children that ever followed him around turned blue.

At every chance he got, Jesus seemed to take the time to make children feel loved,

and special,

and needed,

and important.

Think about how cool the boy with the bread loaves and the fish felt telling his buddies back at school that he was an integral part to feeding the 5,000.

And when I look back at think about Jesus, I have to think-

What kind of person do children always want to be around?

My guess is, that he laughed a lot,

smiled a lot,

told jokes,

tickled them,

gave them piggy back rides,

put them up on His shoulders,

played their games,

wiped away their tears,

held their hand when they were scared,

and protected them whenever he could.

I love to think of Jesus this way- so different from the staunch, serious face we often see in paintings.

If kids loved Jesus, Jesus loved fun.

And above all else, Jesus loved children.

I usually try not to use this blog for personal reasons. 

But this little boy I'm about to tell you about has just tugged at my heartstrings.

I think Ephraim and Jesus would get along just swell.

My brother and sister in law are part of a very small church in Roswell, Georgia, and through their time there, they have had the blessing of meeting a wonderful family, the Hardings. The Harding's are an amazing family, with a beautiful little boy name Ephraim, who was born with Chronic Renal Insufficiency  which basically means that Ephraim's kidney's have been in the process of shutting down since the day he was born.

 The Harding's are beginning the process to get Ephraim a transplant, but because of their current financial situation, are unable to cover much of the costs.

Because of his medical condition, the fact that Ephraim made it to be the age of four makes him one in 7 million.

But, the fact that Ephraim is Ephraim is enough to make him one in 70 million.

He loves to joke.

And play country music.

When an Atlanta Braves player told him he was cute, he simply responded with " I know".

He calls his hair his "white boy fro".

And even though his life his harder then many of ours will ever be,

at the end of the day, he's still a four year old at heart.

And I wanted to do something to help this wonderful family.

Anyone that knows me well, knows I love my jewelry.

And since I'm a little frugal, I recently learned to make my own bracelets.

And it's kind of become an obsession. 

Thus 4123 Bracelets was born! All funds from these bracelets are going directly to help fund his transplant, and I'm personally paying out of pocket for the beads ( or some have been donated by local stores).

I'm not asking for y'all to buy these bracelets.

Heck, I might not even know some of you.

But if you wouldn't mind sharing the word with your friends,

liking the facebook page,

and sharing it to all of your followers,

I would be immensely grateful.

Because, really.

Look at this face.

Can't you just tell how much Jesus loves this little boy?

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