
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Whispers in the Change

I usually love change.

I usually thrive on it.

I'm the person that impulsively buys box hair dye because her current hair color is just getting too boring,

Who takes up a new hobby, just to try it,

And generally starts a new book, before she finishes the one she previously started (because really, how can you not, when it's sitting on the bargain rack in Barnes and Noble?)

I usually love change.

I find that change is a comforting constant.

But in this new season of my life,

A season where everything has changed,

The city I live in,

My job,

My small group,

My apartment,

My gym,

My hair color ( thanks to that impulsive box dye I bought last night)

That I've been searching for something unwavering.

Something consistent,

Something to bring an anchor to these moments where I feel completely lost at sea.

And while I know my constant lies in the Lord,

The Lord that was the same yesterday,

The same today,

The same tomorrow,

I've had a hard time resting on that consistency.

I've had a hard time feeling that consistency.

I've had a hard time hearing anything from the Lord.

And while I know the God I pray to today,

Is the same God I prayed to in Athens,

For someone reason, I've had a hard time seeing, and hearing, that same constant nature in Newnan.

And as I sit here at Starbucks,

And drink this green tea,

Never being a tea drinker, but deciding to try it,

I have to wonder-

Am I not seeing the Lord's constant nature,

Because I haven't stopped,

And paused,

And thought,

Maybe searching for consistency isn't what I'm supposed to be doing right now.

Maybe searching for consistency in this new season,

Searching for the same relationship with God that I had in Athens,

Just isn't going to happen,

Because our God is one who thrives on relationship,

And sometimes, relationships change,

And relationships deepen,

And that can only happen when you're taken out of a place of comfort,

And when consistency gives way to sweet surprises.

Deeper relationships that come from a place of searching,

And waiting,

And listening,

Even when things seem silent.

And maybe, this perceived silence,

Isn't silence at all,

It's a soft and quiet whisper,

So quiet, that I have to sit still for a moment,

Amidst all the movement and change surrounding me,

And open up my arms,

And be ready for the possibility,

The possibility that maybe, instead of searching for complete consistency in this time of change,

I should seek,

And watch,

And wait for the hidden treasures,

Snippets of riches,

Moments of constant,

Tucked away in the pockets of a life that feels a bit out of control,

As evidence,

And reassurance,

That the Lord I serve,

Has called me to a place of change,

To remind me that sometimes, constant changes,

And changes for the better.

Change, that even when everything seems out of control,

Points to a picture of a God who sees my fear,

Hears my cries,

 And uses soft whispers to remind me,

That He is the Lord,

And that He has called me by name.

"I will give you hidden treasures,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the Lord,
the God of Israel, who summons you by name"
-Isaiah 45:3

The posts on this site are my own personal opinions. They are not read or approved by Southside Ministries, Inc. prior to posting and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Southside Ministries, Inc.