
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Whispers in the Change

These past two weeks have been full.

Two weeks full of surprises,

Full of joy,

Full of an overwhelming sense of love,

Full of support,

And full of excitement.

It's almost surreal really,

When the thing you've wished for,

The thing you've prayed for,

The thing, that two years ago,

When you were packing away your apartment to move to a new town,

Seemed impossible.

When the thing that you you never thought would actually happen,


When suddenly, you're not the girl that's celebrating someone else's joy,

But you're the girl whose joy is being celebrated by others.

I feel so honored to be sitting in this season.

But all of a sudden,

With one question asked,

And one hand sporting a little more bling,

You begin to prepare.

You begin to prepare for change.

Because the life you knew before,

Is not going to exist anymore.

You are going to have a different last name,

A different family to call your own,

A different place to call home,

A different person that you will belong to.

Your life will no longer be your own,

Your Life,

Will become Our Life,

And you have no idea how Our Life will look.

You know it will be sweet,

And you know it will be full of joy,

And adventure,

But still,  Our Life is new.

Our Life is different.

Our Life is change.

And sometimes change,

No matter how sweet,

Or joyful,

Or adventurous,

Can be scary.

Because you don't really know what to expect from change.

You don't really know what to expect from Our Life.

But in the sweetness of this season,

The sweetness,

And the scariness,

I am so glad, that I have a God,

That even when everything around me is changing.

Is the same.

The same God that heard the wishes,

And heard the prayers,

And whispered

 "Just, you wait my child. Just wait for what I have for you".

The same God that planned that move,

That move that didn't always seem to make sense,

But now,

Seems so clear.

The same God that designed the process through which Your Life

Will become Our Life,

And delights in that commitment,

That covenant.

The same God,

Who wants just as much to fill Your Life with joy,

And sweetness,

And adventure,

As He wants to fill Our Life,

The same God that hears the fear,

And the excitement,

And the uncertainty of what Our Life is going to look like,

And wants to take us in His arms,

And whisper,

"Just, you wait my child. Just wait for what I have for you".

My God is the same,

Even when my world is changing,

And what a sweet reassurance that is.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8