
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Vacation Bible School Wisdom

Anyone who has been to any sort of Vacation Bible School has probably heard this song,

Sang along,

Done the dance moves that goes with it ( and by dance moves, I mean hand motions. Everyone knows Christians don't dance...kidding I swear).

This is the day, this is the day
That the lord has made, that the lord has madeI will rejoice,I will rejoiceAnd be glad in it, glad in it

I've sung those words many times.

And maybe it was because I always attended Vacation Bible School in the morning,

But that is the time of day that I always associated with this song.

In my head, I pictured myself getting out of bed,

The sun slowly rising,

Birds chirping outside of my window,

And as my feet touch the floor, 

I cry these words out in joy,

Because I know that the day ahead is one that the Lord has made.

And for some reason,

Today, as I was leaving the gym,

A task that I disdain at times,

After my morning didn't go as planned,

I realized that these words of rejoicing weren't meant for the morning, 

When our day lies ahead,

As our feet touch the floor,

And we are full of hope about the wonderful possibilities that lie before us.

These words I think would be best used at night,

When our day is behind us,

As our head touches the pillow,

And we already have seen what that day had in store for us.

Because let's face it,

Some days don't turn out the way you want them to.

Sometimes, your gym runs out of towels and you have to use paper towels stolen from the bathroom as a makeshift towel so you can shower before going to work. ( I am guilty of this, on this very morning).

Sometimes, things at work are hard.

Sometimes, conversations don't go the way you planned.

Sometimes people hurt you.

Sometimes, the day leaves you disappointed.

And these are the times where it is most important that we learn to rejoice, 

And gain the ability to look back on the day and realize,

That through the hard,

And through the unplanned,

And through the hurt,

And through the disappointment,

That this day was still the day that Lord has made.

I think it's through the rejoicing,

And the gladness,

Even when everything goes wrong,

And recognizing that even when things don't go the way we had hoped they would when we heard those birds chirping outside our window,

That we learn to have true faith.

I think it's finding happiness in the days that the Lord has made,

Even when those days look nothing like the ones we would have made for ourselves,

That we learn to have true joy.

And we learn to recognize,

And place our hope in the fact that our stories aren't written by our pen.

That our stories,

And our days,

Are written by the One who told the sun to come up,

And the birds to chirp,

And that even on the hardest day,

There is a reason for every tear,

Every heartbreak,

And every disappointment.

Even if we don't always understand it in the moment.

That is the starting place of true hope,

And true joy,

And true faith.

Believing that everyday was one that the Lord has indeed made, specifically with us in mind.

And We can rejoice and be glad in that.

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