
Monday, May 5, 2014

A Starbucks Sized Prayer

I’ve said it on here before, but I am a woman that loves surprises.

And I’m not talking about the large, grandiose surprises.

I’m talking about the small, thoughtful surprises.

The note left on your car when your friend knows you’re having a bad day.

The text with words of encouragement.

Your favorite soft drink left sitting on your desk, just because it’s Tuesday.

Those acts are so small.

But on days when you really need them, they mean so much.

They mean even in the pace of this busy world, someone took the time to think about you.

In the hustle and bustle of the daily grind, someone went out of his or her way to do something kind for you.

That even in a world that is full of so many people, someone sees you, someone so very small, and does a simple act that makes you feel seen, and known, and, for lack of a better word, so very big.

These are the kind of surprises I think that God loves.

And this morning,

I was in awe of how small our God can be.

I know that sounds a little sacrilegious.

How can I say that the God of the universe is small?

How can I call the Lord that can hold the Earth in the palm of His hand small?

And while it may sound disrespectful,

When I really think about it,

I think that God longs for those times when we realize how small He is.

We know how large He is.

How can you look at the ocean and think that we serve anything but?

How can you look up at the night sky, peppered with stars that He calls by name, and not recognize His sheer magnitude?

Large is easy.

Sometimes it’s seeing Him in the small that’s hard.

But this morning, as I was praying,  sitting in Starbucks, drinking my iced coffee, asking for a heart of gratitude,

Praying for a heart that doesn’t always come with wants and requests but can simply sit and be grateful for the many blessings that I’ve be given,

That this song came on my Pandora,

A song with lyrics so perfectly in sync to my prayer at that very moment,

That I knew this could only be a small surprise from our very big God.

“Love is an ocean. Hope is a promise. Light is overtaking. Grace is overwhelming. You chase us into the dark and Lord we’re grateful, oh we’re grateful. You’ve captured our hearts with Your Love, oh Lord You’re faithful, You are Faithful. Nothing that we’ve ever done was too much for You to handle on the Cross. We’re grateful for your Love."

And it was in this moment, that I had to sit back and be grateful for a God that is small enough that he hears prayers whispered in the corner of Starbucks,

And chooses to respond.

It was at this moment that I realized that I serve a God that isn’t just big enough to control the oceans,

But I also serve a God that is small enough to care about the minuet details of my day.

It was at this moment that I realized that I serve a God that isn’t just big enough to call every star in the sky by name,

But I also serve a God that is small enough to call me by name,

And to surprise me with answers to Starbucks sized prayers,

Just because it’s Monday.

And just because He wants me to see, that even in a world that is full of so many people, the Lord of the universe sees me, someone so very small,

And that he’s not too big to do a simple act that makes me feel seen, and known, and, for lack of a better word, so very big.

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