
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Battle With Carbs

I love carbs.

All kind of carbs.

I don't believe in the low carb or non carb diets.

Because there's something sacred about a warm piece of bread,

The kind with just the right amount of crunch on the outside,

And the soft, warm insides.

It's worshipful.

I believe carbs bring us closer to God.

But here's the thing-

When all I eat are carbs,

All carbs, all the time,

Days full of bread,

And crackers,

And pizza,

And everything not featured in the gluten free aisle,

I begin to feel sluggish,

And grumpy,

And craving for something more.

Today, I was reading in Luke 4 when Jesus was tempted by the Devil in the desert,

And my heart dropped when I read this one verse,

This one verse I'd read so many times,

But for some reason,

This morning,

While sitting and eating my baked oatmeal (yet another carb)

Felt so true to the way I've been living my life.

"Jesus answered " It takes more then bread to really live.""
Luke 4:4

If I'm going to be honest with you, I've been really stressed out recently.

This season has felt fast moving, and full, and joyful, but still, just so full,

And in a true over achiever fashion, I've put so much pressure on myself to be the best during this season,

To embrace the full, and be the best everything for everyone.

The best fiance,

The best friend,

The best daughter,

The best sister in law,

The best Aunt,

The best UpStreet director,

The best Younglife leader,

And I've every single responsibility,

Every single pressure,

On my own shoulders.

And every day, that weight felt a little greater,

And my heart felt a little harder,

And the pressure grew and grew.

And I'm feeling this season that should be so full of joy,

Be so full of stress,

So full of doubt,

So full of angst,

And I've become sluggish,

And grumpy,

And craving for something more.

And I've realized, 

In this season where I need God the most,

In this season where I need guidance,

And help,

And reassurance,

I've been relying on myself for all of those things,

I've been relying on bread alone to live.

And this morning, as I sat eating yet another carb,

When I felt my heart drop because I realized the truth of how I've been living,

I'm choosing to pray this simple prayer-

This prayer for guidance,

And help,

And reassurance-

Lord I lay it all down.

Take my all.

Because to really live, I need more then bread,

More then myself,

More then my own power and strength.

To truly live, I need to rely on Yours.

Carbs are a great and wonderful thing,

But to truly live,

To not just survive in this season,

But to thrive on it,

To learn a new way to live,

Instead of a way full of stress

And doubt 

And anger,

To learn a way to live that is full of joy,

And laughter,

And hope,

Bread alone is not going to cut it.

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