Today, I was thinking about how we judge our own worth.
How we judge our own significance.
How we judge, at the end of the day, if we just really
measure up.
If we’re good enough.
If we’re worth it.
I think that everyone struggles with this idea,
But, I know as a woman, it’s something I deal with everyday.
If I don’t have a boyfriend, there must be something wrong
with me.
If I don’t fit into those pants, I’m eating too much.
If I don’t have enough lines on my resume, I’m not working
hard enough.
And some nights, when I lay down my head, the question
“Am I enough?”
Am I good enough?
Smart enough?
Pretty enough?
And sometimes, I don’t know where to turn my eyes to find
the answer to that question.
I know, the correct, Christian, “Sunday school answer” would
be to simply look to the Lord,
Our worth is defined by his sheer, unadulterated love for
Our worth is defined by the cross.
And I believe that.
I really do.
But sometimes, it’s so easy to forget.
And sometimes, it’s easy to think that this struggle,
This struggle to define and solidify my worth, is something that
only I have a problem with.
But this morning, this story about Peter showed me, and
reminded me, that not only am I not the only one that needs reminding,
That even those that walked alongside Jesus doubted their
And even when they were looking Jesus in the face, had a
hard time believing that they were enough.
Here’s a little synopsis.
Jesus’ disciples were out on a boat, in the middle of a
lake, in the middle of the night, and there was a storm.
Jesus, who had gone off praying by himself, was watching
this whole scene go down, and so he decided to seize the opportunity, and
walked out to the boat.
Literally, walk on the water, out to the boat,
Of course, the disciples were a little freaked out.
And Peter needed a little proof that Jesus was Jesus, and
not some freaky, water walking ghost.
28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to
come to you on the water.”
29 “Come,” he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on
the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he
was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught
him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
Peter took his eyes off of Jesus for a moment, to look at
all of the waves crashing around him and he forgot, that with Jesus, he was
He forgot, that with Jesus he was worth it.
He forgot, that with Jesus, walking on water was not an
impossible feat.
And so many times, I’m like Peter,
I look from side to side at what the world is telling me
gives me worth,
And I forget to
look straight ahead at the one who calls my name every morning,
I look from side to side and allow myself to believe that I
don’t measure up,
That I’m not worth it,
That I’m not enough,
Instead of looking straight ahead and remembering that my
worth isn’t found in my relationship status,
Or my pant size,
Or the lines on my resume,
I choose to let those waves crash,
And the winds blow,
And get caught up in those lies.
So today, I find comfort in knowing that I’m not the only
one who has a hard time always remembering that when I look ahead,
Step out of the boat,
And take the hand of the Lord through which grace is
That this is where true worth is found.