As a woman, people are always trying to give you a label. And most of those labels tend to revolve around your love life.
Are you single?
Are you married?
Are you dating?
Are you looking for a boyfriend?
And somehow, we allow ourselves to get wrapped up in those labels. To see ourselves as only how we can answer those questions.
I'm single.
I'm married.
I'm dating.
I'm looking for a boyfriend.
I'm not looking for a boyfriend.
Basically allowing others, and ourselves to say-
I am what my relationship status says I am.
That's something I've been struggling with recently.
How do I see past the haze of being single, and get down to the core of who I am as a woman?
How do I get people to see that I'm more then how I date?
How do I get myself to believe that the label doesn't define me, and that the season of life I am in right now is fine.
And even if I can get past all of these things, the bigger questions remain.
What I am really?
How am I defined?
What are my labels?
Tonight, I was reading Isaiah 43. And I was amazed at all of the labels that God has given us.
I stand amazed at the beautiful depiction of how He sees me-whether I have a man or not.
Because in the Lord's eyes I am
Spoken for.
All of these labels are ones I choose to wear. These are the labels I classify myself as. These are what are so much more important then if anyone is buying me chocolates and taking me on dates.
The Lord of the Universe doesn't see me as single.
He looks at me and sees so much more.
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