
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Weddings- Just An Adult Prom?

Let's face it- for a woman, anywhere between the ages of 18-20 something-ish, weddings have become an obsession.

Whether you're looking at pinterest links,

Crying over engagement videos,

Or tuning in to watch women pay extremely too much money for a dress they're only going to wear once, weddings have become something that every girl dreams about.

But what is it that really makes weddings so special? What about weddings get our hearts pumping and force our estrogen level to shoot through the roof?

Because really, when you think about it, weddings are just a big party.

It's kind of like your own personal, adult prom.

Before you get upset, I challenge you to think about the steps of prom.

1. Wait for the right man to come along.

2. Wait a little bit longer.

3. Dance around the subject, until finally the man decides to ask the question.

4. Search for the perfect dress.

5. Search for the perfect restaurant to eat  in said perfect dress.

6. Find the perfect dress.

7. Find the perfect restaurant.

8. Spend far too much money and time getting hair, makeup, and nails done.

9. Take far too many pictures with a "select" group of friends.

10. Take far too many pictures with the man whose cumberbund matches your dress.

11. Go to a large party.

12. Leave large party, never wearing said perfect dress again.

13. Put up an album on facebook with far too many pictures of 6 hours of your life.

Sounds pretty accurate to me- if I was completely cynical and unromantic. Which I'm not.

You see, the reason I love weddings so much is for a completely different reason altogether.

Sure, I love all things monogrammed, and sure, I love a good piece of overpriced cake.

But the real reason I love weddings is because of the promises that are exchanged.

The promises of love. The promises of commitment. The promises made to another person that says-

I am yours. And you are mine.

And, luckily, we have a God that makes, and keeps these same kind of promises.

In Exodus, when Moses was beginning the journey of taking the Israelites out of Egypt, God knew that the Israelites needed some reassurance. They needed some words, some promises that made this commitment worthwhile- worth the time, worth the danger, worth the trust.

And God told Moses

“Therefore, say to the Israelites: ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God"

The Lord, the God of the Universe, made himself so very real to these people in their greatest time of need. Not only was He offering a way out of their suffering, but more importantly He was making a promise.

A promise that they would be His.

And even more mind blowing, a promise that He would be theirs.

I think we as people strive for that reassurance, that no matter what, someone will be on our side. Someone will be there. Someone will love us.

And so we go looking for it in the form of a boyfriend, or a husband, a prom date, or anyone that will show us that attention.

When really, all we need to do is stop. 

We need to stop and realize we already have that promise from the Creator of the Universe. 

Someone that is incapable of breaking promises.

And that, my dear friends, is something to take share on pinterest.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post! Made me think of:

    Hosea 2:19-20a I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness.
