
Sunday, September 16, 2012

All My Single Ladies

This post goes out to all my single ladies.

This is a conversation that often comes up when a large group of women, , single ones in particular, get together

"So, what would you say your type of man is?"

And everyone seems to have a different answer.

"I like a really preppy, SEC kind of a guy."

"I want someone that's more hipster, in touch with his emotions"

"I love a man that  loves animals".

"Give me a brawny man that can sing, and I'm done for".

"I've been praying for my Boaz, or my David, or anyone that's read Redeeming Love".

And we pray. And we wait. And we pray. And we wait. And we think we know exactly what we want. And we will tell anyone that's listening that we are ready for "the one" And sometimes our prayers rely not so much on God's timing, but on our own impatience.

That's what happened to the Israelites in 1 Samuel 8. They were so tired of being without a King, that they demanded that Samuel find them one, even after warnings that this wasn't God had planned for them as a nation. But yet, they insisted, as we humans often do.

 “No!” they said. “We want a king over us. 20 Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.”

And we women, so often think, even if we want to admit it or not,

"Everyone else has a boyfriend, or is married or is having a baby, and my pinterest is overflowing with wedding planning stuff. I know this guy isn't someone I should date, but I want someone that will make me feel loved, that will make me feel special."

And in the case of the Israelites, God responded to that prayer.

He brought Saul.

And the only description of Saul that is mentioned in 1 Samuel 9 is-

Kish had a son named Saul, as handsome a young man as could be found anywhere in Israel, and he was a head taller than anyone else."

Sounds a lot like some of our "types" doesn't it?

But Saul was not the kind of man that Israel needed. That's probably why they never mentioned any positive characteristics- he didn't have a ton. But they were so intent on finding someone, that someone that would make their life full, that someone that would make them like all of their other friends, that they didn't even try to look at his character.

And God, in all of his wisdom and glory, knew that until His nation was being led by someone less then what he had planned for him, and until they realized the errors of their ways, that they would keep begging and whining for God to bring them anyone, anyone, to make them feel loved. And so he did. And the results were far less then perfect.

I bet they wished they'd been a little more specific about their "type" of King that they desired.

I know, as I've talked to some of my friends, and looked back on some mistakes I've made, that I wish I was more specific about the "type" of man I allowed myself to be interested in.

I know I don't want the type just to occupy my time, or the type to the movies with when I'm bored.

My type is nothing less than God's plan for me, and whoever that person may be that walks alongside of me during this plan.

So maybe, I should stop whining. And maybe I should stop begging.

And maybe I should start thinking more about just the Brawny man exterior, and look for a heart of a man that mirrors those same desires.

1 comment:

  1. You are so encouraging and uplifting and I'm not even single. I'm so blessed to call you my friend. I cherish you, Bestie.
