
Monday, September 22, 2014

Bittersweet Beauty

Fall is my favorite season.

It's something about the pumpkins,

Or the holidays,

Or the boot based wardrobe,

That just sends my heart into a flurry.

But, when you think about it,

Fall is also a sad season.

It's the beginning of the end of a year.

It's a physical representation that in order for something new to begin,

Something has to change.

The leaves has to turn,

The weather has to become a bit brisker,

And even though there's beauty everywhere you look,

Fall, in it's truest form,

Is a season of bittersweet change.

It's no surprise to me that this season of my life is right in the middle of fall.

Because right now, I'm going through a season of bittersweet change.

Change that could only be from the Lord.

Change that I could only describe as a grand leap of faith.

If you look back on my blog, you will read of my love for Athens,

My love for Athens Church,

My love for the way we do ministry and the people I get to walk beside.

And if you would have asked me a year ago if I would ever think about leaving this beautiful place,

This place where I became physically healthy,

This place where I became spiritually whole,

This place where I truly began to understand what it looks like to be surrounded by people who push you to be a better woman,

A better friend,

A better follower of Christ,

I would have told you never.

This place was my forever home.

But, God doesn't always listen to our plans.

And somewhere, right in the middle of all of this amazing growth, I could feel a tiny pull.

A small whisper, that when I sat still enough to hear, sounded something like -

" I have something else for you.

It might be scary.

It might seem nuts.

But remember that faith that you've been praying will be strengthened?

This is your chance.

To take a leap.

And follow where I may lead".

And so, I'm following.

I'm leaping.

And that leap of faith also requires a move.

I'm moving from the sweet streets of Athens, to a town about an hour and a half south.

I'm moving to Newnan Georgia, to serve as the Upstreet Director ( elementary school ministry director) at one of our strategic partners Southside Church.

And I'm sad,

And I'm excited,

And I'm scared,

And I'm nervous,

But I'm leaping.

And in this bittersweet season, I could look around and see the sadness,

See the leaves falling off the trees,

The friendships I have to leave,

The comfortability I'm giving up,

Or I could look around and choose to see the beauty,

The people who have made Athens a home,

The city that captured my heart,

The ministry that taught me how to be a mature follower of Christ,

All of which made this move possible,

Made me the woman I am today,

Made me the person that can pack up their apartment,

Move to a new city,

Start a new job,

And begin again.

There's bittersweet beauty in these moments.

And they're ones I choose to cherish.

They're the ones I choose to see.

That even in a season of change,

There's a evidence of the seasons past.

And hope for the seasons to come.

There's beauty in the change.

And beauty

And excitement,

And joy,

In the new beginnings to come.