My family is a Disney family.
Always have been.
I can’t count on my two hands the amount of times the
Johnson’s have graced the streets of the Magic Kingdom, dined on Mickey Mouse
shaped ice cream bars, gotten our passports stamped in the various countries of
Epcot, and been visitors on the safari in the Animal Kingdom.
Honestly, at this point, we could probably lead the safari
with very little assistance.
And every time we go to Disney World, no matter how old we
are, we know there is one ride that we are not going to miss.
The Peter Pan ride is my Dad’s favorite.
So we always wait in the ridiculously long line,
Stuff our now far too adult size bodies into the flying
pirate ships,
And spend a grand total of three minutes soaring through the
skies of London and the hills of Never Never Land.
And, according to Peter Pan, there are only two things
required of Wendy, Michael and John to take such a glorious adventure,
Only two things required to fly.
A little bit of Pixie Dust.
And thinking happy thoughts.
Thinking happy thoughts is all that’s required to leave the
house that Wendy, John and Michael want to escape.
Thinking happy thoughts is the only thing that keeps them
from the life they desire.
And for a while, I think I believed that same thing.
Having a bad day?
Just think happy thoughts.
Feeling sad?
Don’t feel that way. Just think happy thoughts.
Feeling uneasy about a big decision?
Push those feelings aside and just think happy thoughts.
I wanted to tiptoe through life, carefully guiding myself
past anything that might make me feel pain, and choosing to only see the happy
things, no matter how I’m really feeling at the moment.
I’ve been tiptoeing through life.
And honestly, I’ve been tiptoeing towards God.
I’ve been scared to bring Him the messy.
I’ve been scared to bring Him the hard.
I’ve been scared to bring Him the truth.
I’ve only wanted to bring Him the cleaned up, put together
version of myself.
I’ve only wanted to bring Him happy thoughts.
And this morning, I realized that this tiptoeing I’ve been
doing around the messy,
And the hard,
And the truth that sometimes life is full of things other
then pixie dust and happy thoughts,
May have caused me to really miss some important things
about loving life,
And in turn, loving God.
Why am I only trying to bring the happy to the One who
created joy?
Why am I trying to hide my messy from the one who can clean
it up?
Why am I trying to brush away the hard from the One who sent
His son to die for my sins to maybe make life just a little bit easier?
Why am I, when you look at it with a hard and unforgiving
eye, trying to lie to God about the truth that life is
And hard,
And full of heartbreak?
But it’s not until you allow yourself to feel those messy,
And hard feelings,
That you can come just as you are before the feet of your
Heavenly Father,
And have somewhere to lay your burdens.
So really, I think Peter Pan lied.
I’m all about happy thoughts.
But I don’t think those are the things that truly make you
I don’t think that those are what get you through the hard
I don’t think that’s what makes life an adventure.
I don’t think those are what bring God the most joy.
I think it’s the messy,
And the hard,
And what Walt Disney would never want to write about in one
of his movies,
That truly makes you fly.
Feeling those emotions, no matter how hard, and bringing
them to the Lord,
And recognizing that sometimes life isn’t simply fixed with
a little pinch of Pixie Dust.
Sometimes life is messy,
Sometimes life is hard,
But to truly live,
And to truly love the Lord like He desires us to,
We have to live, and feel, each moment,
And know that we have a God that isn’t going to let us
escape all of our problems, and everything difficult we might ever feel.
We have a God that’s going to put on His boots, and wade
through the messy with us.
We have a God that never wants us to tiptoe up to His
We have a God that wants us to come running, no matter what
baggage we have in tow.
And to me, that’s better then a little pinch of pixie dust.